
  1. Inconsiderate drivers - My friends will tell you that the times I cuss are few and very far in between, until I'm inside my car. Then, a slew of words come out because people are so stubbornly butt-headed and just want to do things their way.
  2. Politics in Puerto Rico - Long-ass rants to follow when somebody pushes that button. I prefer to steer clear of those discussions.
  3. Grown men yelling at their elderly moms- I saw that today, while being on the train.
  4. People taking advantage of others
  5. Lies! Lies! Lies!
  6. People joking about animal abuse
  7. Hearing people speak with conviction about something they apparently don't know a lot about - It's kind of funny too, in a very sad way...
  8. People who don't understand sarcasm or irony
  9. Have I mentioned the roads in Puerto Rico? Those really suck! Potholes everywhere!
  10. Discrimination
  11. Child abuse
  12. People joking about mental illnesses - How about you just keep your mouth shut, okay?

  1. People's obsession with Fifty Shades of Grey - It's erotica. We get it. Now let it go.
  2. Justin Bieber - He just needs to grow up!!!
  3. The word soon
  4. A band of brothers that shall remain nameless, but who are also the cause of #3 - You can't do that to your fans...
  5. When people think of me as perfect - When are people gonna get it through their thick skull that I'm not perfect! Nobody is! Haven't you heard that Hannah Montana song? I'm a perfectionist (something I'm not very fond of myself, by the way). There's a difference.
  6. When people try to get their way in a passive-aggressive manner - It's like I know what you're doing. Just stop. Wait your turn like anybody else.
  7. People bashing something they don't know anything about - How do you know you don't like something if you haven't tried it? I can tell you I hate Justin Bieber's music because I have heard his music. However, I can't say I hate an artist like Drake because I haven't listened enough of his music to form an opinion. His genre is not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't bash him for it. The only thing I know about him is that he used to be in Degrassi a million years ago and that he's now a musician... That's it.
  8. Spoilers!
  9. Books with crappy endings
  10. Having to pile through a book I don't like because it was assigned for a class
  11. When I can't decide on something
The items on my personal list represent things that irk me to no end, but I would probably just roll my eyes and continue on my merry way. If I'm already mad, then that's a different story. However, the social side represents the things that are either rampant problems in our society or problems that affect other people--not just me. From what I can see on the social list, I value respect for others very highly, so when somebody messes with that, they're already on my bad side. I think people are less empathetic now, and that affects how we deal with our daily lives. 

An example of the social column would be about something I heard today, as a matter of fact. One guy was saying that his girlfriend had two dogs and that they were always in the way, and he joked that when dogs are in the way you kill them and bury them. I couldn't believe that was coming out of his mouth. Two years ago, I lived through seeing my beautiful dog Sparky get sick from one day to another. He became skin and bone, baffling his vet who was giving his all to save him.Those last three weeks of his life, I spent them taking care of him, day and night. It was the most heartbreaking situation. I had never seen the life leave someone's eyes, until that happened. So from that, I don't understand how he would say something like that, specially since his girlfriend probably loves those dogs more than she does herself. For me, the thought of someone killing a dog just because they're existing is utterly wrong, terrible and sad. How can we live in a society so heartless?

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